
Me and Blue Bonnie

Sunday, February 7, 2010


The last post was to satisfy Julia. I pretty much met her at hair school. I just forgot how we came to hang out. Julia and Steve are also some close friends of mine who I met in AZ. They always know how to have a good time.
On to other things. As some may know, I am currently unemployed. I actually have been more productive than I ever have. Being unemployed has let me think about many things, I also have been doing quite a bit of cycling, which I need to be doing in order to get conditioned for the long haul ahead of me. I have also been spending less money, since I am not making any at the moment. I have been learning that I do not have to have money to be happy. The less amount of material possessions I own, the less stress I have. Well, at least, that is true for me.
Unemployment has helped me with many things. I am more organized, taking better care of my body, keeping my room and my house clean. More focused and motivated. One would think a person would be more lazy if they didn't have a job, not true for me. I have been staying productive. I do understand money is needed eventually, but as for now, I am happy.
I am going to stay focused on THE TRIP.

1 comment:

  1. I love it--itsn't it the truth that when you don't have a job, your life becomes so much more FULL and you feel more satisfied?! You should post a map of your intended bike route :-) Can't wait to hear more. Make sure you drink enough water and stretch a lot! ;-)
